Published on Friday, 2 December 2022 at 3:36:55 PM
On Wednesday, the
Shire of Wongan-Ballidu together with community members opened and blessed the new airport following upgrades funded through the Australian
Government's Regional Airports Program.
Stories of history were told by both Robert Sewell and Rob Millsteed, who shared insights into previous airport works and projects and how our community rallied together in 1988+ and 2002+ to better the facility available to our community.
Don McPherson, the influence behind the newest upgrade, shared his story on behalf of St Johns Ambulance of why the upgrades were needed and what inspired St Johns Ambulance to request consideration of upgrades by the Shire and Council. Don spoke of the support President Jon Hasson gave and his major influence on this project.
Reverend Leon Stickland made a blessing and current President Mandy Stephenson officially opened the airport joined by Rob Sewell, Rob Millsteed and Geoff Hasson.
Thank you to everyone involved, a great afternoon was enjoyed by all with afternoon tea provided by the Wongan Hills Bakery.
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