Wongan Arts Society

Address The Station, Lot 1 Wongan Road, Wongan Hills 6603
Phone 0419 913 887 (Claire - President)
Email wonganartscrafts@gmail.com

Opening Hours

Wongan Arts Society are open weekly on a Tuesday 10.00am-3.00pm and Saturday 9.00am-12.00pm. On other days, look for the colourful banners or phone one of the friendly contacts listed below, who will be happy to arrange someone to meet you there to show you around. 

Wongan Arts Society Contacts

Contact Phone Email
President - Claire Ducker 0419 913 887 wonganartscrafts@gmail.com
Vice President - Ann Joynes 0437 281 551  
Secretary - Courtney Ciffolilli 0457 400 160
Treasurer - Claire Ducker 0419 913 887