New Residents
Welcome to Wongan-Ballidu

Are you new to Wongan-Ballidu?
The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu would like to welcome all new residents to our region. We hope you will love living in the area as much as we do and to help you find your feet, we have created a checklist below and added some useful links for everything you need to know about living in Wongan-Ballidu!
Follow us on social media to stay up to date.
Facebook – Shire of Wongan-Ballidu
Instagram - @shireofwonganballidu
- Grab a copy of ‘The Wongan Hills and Districts Business and Community Directory’ from the Wongan Hills CRC or Newsagency which is updated and printed yearly by the Wongan Hills Progress Association.
- Keen to get involved with the community? Click here to head to our community directory page for a list of all our local sporting groups, clubs, committees and associations, as well as our volunteer emergency services. Small towns like ours are dependent on volunteers to keep our community safe and thriving. We encourage you to join!
- Kerbside waste collection map and details – click here.
- Enrol to vote or change your address on the electoral roll, although it is not compulsory to vote in the Local Government Elections, we encourage all residents to vote in our local election and to have your say. Local Government ordinary elections are held on the third Saturday of October every two years. Meet your elected members here.
- Contact the Shire and update your contact details.
- Need to let the Department of Transport know you’ve moved house? Fill and sign this form and drop off at the Wongan Hills CRC and the friendly staff can assist you. Alternatively, if you have a DOTDIRECT account, head to the DOT website and update your details online.
- Do you have a cat or dog? Under the Dog Act 1976 and the Cat Act 2011, all cats and dogs are required to be registered with the Shire and have a microchip inserted. For all information regarding registering your pet:
Dog Registration
Cat Registration
- Here in Wongan-Ballidu we have lots of incredible facilities for use and hiring out. Head to our venue and facilities hire page for a list of all our buildings.
- Keen to get into shape or just burn off some extra energy? We have a brand-new gymnasium in Wongan Hills for use. Sign up for a membership at the Wongan Hills CRC and click here for all information regarding the complex.
- PROHIBITED FIRE BURNING – commences 15th November until 13th February. For all fire emergency information click here.
- Check with Australia Post if you need a PO BOX for your new address. Call the local Post Office on 9671 1301.
- Now you’ve made the great choice of choosing the country lifestyle and decided to reside in Wongan-Ballidu – find out what incredible tourist attractions we have nearby that are definitely worth a visit.
Our friendly staff at the Shire would love to help you. If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 9671 2500 or