Containers for Change
We can beat it, if we don't feed it!
Every 10c container returned to a refund point gets another chance to live its potential, again and again.

Wongan Hills Waste Management Facility located on Hospital Road (Wongan Hills Koorda Road) is a drop off refund point for Containers for Change.

How it Works?
Bag drops offer a convenient and contact free way to recycle and receive refunds via your member number (scheme ID). Free collection bags are available at the Wongan Hills Visitor Centre and the Wongan Hills CRC.
Bag drops will take slightly longer for you to receive your refund compared to a depot, as containers need to be collected, transported and counted before your refund can be processed. Bag drop sites are serviced regularly with the timing dependent on location.
Once your bag of containers is picked up and counted, you’ll receive your refund direct to your bank account via your member number (scheme ID).
At these sites, remember three key steps:
- Bag it: Place your containers in your own biodegradable bags or in the operator’s bags.
- Tag it: Use the labels from your local refund point or write your member number (scheme ID) and name on the bag.
- Drop it: Drop your containers at your local bag drop refund point.
How it Works?
The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, Containers for Change visit Wongan Hills to collect your containers. Head to the recycling bay opposite Tractus Tyres on Wongan Road, Wongan Hills WA 6603 between 9 and 10am. Bag drops have also now been installed which are available 24/7 to drop your containers off.
Bags are available from the Wongan Hills CRC to collect your containers in (3 bags allowed per person at one time).

Want to know more?
Sign up and become a Change Maker!
For further information please contact Lisa - 0407 262 239