Fire Break Compliance Reminder

Published on Friday, 7 October 2022 at 10:30:17 AM

Fire Break Notice
Pursuant to the powers contained in section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954, you are hereby required on or before the 13th day of October, to plough, scarify, cultivate, spray or otherwise clear and thereafter maintain free of all inflammable material until the 31st day of March firebreaks in the following dimensions on the land owned or occupied by you.
Townsite Properties
1.1 All land zoned Residential; Rural Townsite and Commercial are required to reduce all annual grass and herbage to a height of not more than 75mm.
Rural Residential and Industrial Properties
1.2 All land of less than 1 hectare (10,000 square metres) and zoned under the Town Planning Scheme as Rural Residential and Industrial are required to have all annual grass and herbage slashed or mowed to a height of not more than 100mm and construct a clear earth firebreak of not less than 2 metres in width immediately surrounding all buildings and/or haystacks situated on the land.
Rural Properties
1.3 All land greater than 1 hectare (10,000 square metres) are required to construct a clear earth firebreak of not less than 3 metres in width immediately inside all external boundaries and immediately surrounding all buildings and/or haystacks situated on the land, and to reduce all annual grass and herbage to a height of not more than 100mm within 15 metres surrounding any building.

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