Published on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 at 8:36:00 AM
Citizen of the Year 2025
Lyn Hood

They say that music is the soundtrack to life, and if that is true then there is a single individual in the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu who has provided this community’s soundtrack for almost 50 years. Ballidu local Lyn Hood married farmer David Hood in 1975 and arrived in this community with a teaching degree and the ability to play the piano effortlessly. Lyn taught in Koorda, Ballidu and the Wongan Hills schools throughout her career, however, it is her volunteering that I would like to highlight here.
To the best of my ability, I have tried to note all the occasions that Lyn has volunteered her time and skills over the years, but I am confident that there will be things that I have missed despite my best efforts. What made my investigation particularly challenging was the stock standard answer I received whenever I asked any community member how long Lyn Hood had been involved in a particular area; “Oh, about 100 years” I heard again and again. Although this made obtaining accurate timelines difficult, it did cement my belief that Lyn is well and truly worthy of Citizen of the Year. It should be noted that this is not the first time Lyn has been nominated and that a group of very passionate women approached me to write this nomination on their behalf – each believing that she is well past deserving of this award.
It would be easier for me to name the local events that Lyn hasn’t played the piano at over the last half-century. Nevertheless, it seems fitting to start this list with the Wongan Hills Australia Day breakfast, which Lyn played at for many years before packing up and heading back to Ballidu to participate in their festivities for the day as well.
WHATS (Wongan Hills Amateur Theatrical Society) was established in 2000, and Lyn was involved in all 12 productions between 2000 and 2019. Most people consider this commitment a 2-show event, not realising the amount of rehearsal hours that went into those impressive evenings. Over the course of 10 weeks leading up to each production, the society would rehearse twice a week, with extra rehearsals in the final week. Lyn was there for everyone, queuing the actors with her music and assisting wherever needed, including sewing costumes.
Lyn also played the piano or organ at countless weddings and funerals, helping to celebrate the love and lives of community members across the Shire, learning new songs on request and travelling long distances to be a part of special occasions. Lyn’s generosity isn't limited to our community as she has also spent the past 50 years playing piano for the Dalwallinu Baptist Church, including Sunday services, Carols by Candlelight and Sunday School presentations. She also played for the local Wheatbelt Christian Fellowship in Wongan two or three times a year when needed and has played at the end-of-year school concerts in Wongan Hills, Ballidu and Cadoux.
As if the above is not already enough, Lyn is also a life member of the Wongan Hills Netball Association for her dedication to playing, coaching, and refereeing games throughout the decades. Lyn has also been our town’s dedicated Librarian for more than 20 years now, always helpful and obliging, with an excellent knowledge of books and community members’ needs. In her spare time, she also worked as a music teacher, offering private home lessons for young children with an interest in music.
For more than 20 years, Lyn has played at the annual Senior Citizen’s Christmas party, and in more recent years, she has been an essential organiser of the event, ensuring that the special lunch is filled with quality entertainment and is a success every year.
In 2005, the Community Voices Choir was established, and of course, Lyn was there from the beginning. In fact, even before that, there was a small group of locals, including members from each of the town’s churches who had organised the local Carols by Candlelight. Lyn is a fundamental part of the Community Voice Choir, practising fortnightly and performing at countless events over the years, including wine and cheese nights, official openings, art exhibitions and special occasions year-round.
Lyn has been a constant support to husband David, throughout his time on the Council and years in Rotary – cooking, baking and assisting in organising events and fundraisers. Lyn joined Rotary as a member herself in 2019. She was then secretary for the group from 2020 until last year when she then stepped into the role of president herself. During recent years Lyn has also been battling significant health challenges that have not slowed her dedication.
All of the above and more has been carried out without fuss and absolutely no need for acknowledgement, all the while being a busy farmer’s wife, mother, and grandmother, based on a farm 40kms out of town. On the rare occasion that Lyn is not involved in a community event, you will still see her there, supporting the cause, reason, or group behind the occasion. Never too far away, never saying no, and always with a smile on her face, Mrs Lyn Hood is the true definition of an upstanding citizen dedicated to community service and there are many locals who believe she is worthy of the Citizen of the Year award for 2025.
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