Wongan Hills Airport Upgrades

The project is now complete. Opening and blessing of the upgrades - Wednesday 30 November 2022.

On Thursday 5 August 2021, the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu announced its successful bid to secure $300,000 of funding through the Australian Government's Regional Airports Program.

The program aims to improve the safety of aircraft, operators and passengers using regional airports and aerodromes and will be used for upgrades to infrastructure at the Wongan Hills airport.

On completion, the project will deliver the following outcomes:
1) Expansion of the heli-pad, apron and public parking areas
2) Widening the taxiway
3) Fencing and drainage works
4) Construction of a shelter for patient transfers

The works will be carried out according to the following plan:

Phase 1
Initial ground works are planned to commence in January 2022. This phase will see ground works and gravel laying for the apron expansion completed and grading undertaken in readiness for the new heli-pad.

Phase 2
Phase 2 completes the ground works with new asphalt for the landing strip, taxi way, heli-pad and public parking area.

Phase 3
The final phase of the project will involve the installation of security fencing around the airstrip complete with access control.

Phase 4
Construction will commence on a new shelter to service ambulance crews awaiting patient transfers.

The fence is being erected for the safety of aircraft using the strip. A 3m wide track around the perimeter fence will still be accessible to residents to enjoy wildflower season and to access the numerous walking tracks in the area.

Shown in the image below is the installation plan for the fencing which is an essential part of the planned upgrades as it will protect wild animals from entering the facility and posing a potential hazard to operators and equipment.

Shire CEO Stuart Taylor is pleased that “the project will provide improved facilities and enhanced safety for all operators” adding that “regular updates will be provided to the community as the project progresses.” The Shire welcomes any queries stakeholders and community members may have about the project.

For further information contact Manager of Works and Services - Karl Mickle on karl.mickle@wongan.wa.gov.au or 0439 469 014.